Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Memories of Grandma Phyllis

I still miss Grandma Phyllis after twenty years; in fact, sometimes I think I miss her more now than I did when I was fourteen. I really look forward to seeing her again someday. Here are some fond memories I have of Grandma--little random snippets but still very special to me...

At age 2 with Grandma

Eating Cheerios at Grandma's house. I remember sitting on a barstool at her kitchen counter and eating out of one of her strawberry dishes. I would spoon lots of sugar over my Cheerios--so much, that each time I scraped the bottom of the bowl with my spoon I would get a big blob of sugar sludge. Grandma never got after me for eating too much sugar with my cereal!

Strawberries. Not only did Grandma have the cute little strawberry dishes; she also had strawberries growing in her backyard! Every once in a while she would pick a few little ripe strawberries for me to eat. That is why I now have strawberry dishes of my own, as well as strawberries on my kitchen wall and strawberry knick-knacks on my kitchen shelves.

Storytime. I remember anxiously waiting for Grandma to find her glasses so she could read books to me. A favorite of mine was The Poky Little Puppy. I can still hear her soft voice saying, "tumble-bumble, pell-mell...."

Grandma Visits NYC, 1978


Marilyn here...
My family had so much fun at the reunion. I must admit, I usually look toward reunions with some reluctance but, truly, it was wonderful to see all of my Newbold cousins again. I realized, probably for the first time, and much to my chagrin, that we all have more in common than not. I guess that is a discovery that comes with age, especially to a really stubborn woman.

The cameras were flashing mightily and I'm sure there are some great shots out there. I hope we can all share somehow. I thought I would just post a few of the photos for everyone to enjoy...for those of you who are computer novices, if you click on the photo itself, it will expand to full size and you can copy it to your computer. Right-click on the photo and then save it to the desired file on your computer.

Otie (our patriarch) and Lynn - could they be any cuter?

The Cousins

The 2nd cousins

The "outlaws" (Thanks, Richard)

Speak of the devil...

Thanks, everyone! I would love to hear from any of you - you can visit my blog by clicking HERE. Leave a comment with your email address and let's all keep in touch!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Welcome to the Andrew and Carrie Newbold Family Blog

This is a place we can all come to share information, photos, memories, and stories of Andrew and Carrie. It's also a great way to keep in touch and let the family know what you're up to. To submit posts, you need to receive an invitation. If you are a descendant of Andrew or Carrie, send me an email at with your name and which of Andrew and Carrie's children you are related to, and I will get you an invite as soon as I can.